shows information about the latest ffmpeg snapshot
shows information about all binaries available on this page
type (optional), can be any of snapshot or release, limits the output to the binary and type specified. binary (optional), can be any of ffmpeg, ffprobe, ffplay, ffserver, limits the output to the binary specified (returns both types). With this API it is possible to retrieve information about binaries, their internal and external libraries, download info, and so on. Please note: wget requires the -trust-server-names option and curl the -JL option, otherwise the name of the downloaded file is always the last part of the URL. To download the gpg signature for any of the files above, just append /sig to the URL.
There's an easy way to download the latest binaries by using a download API: This key can be retrieved in the following ways: GnuPG key to verify snapshots and releases
I do not plan to provide native ffmpeg binaries for Apple Silicon ARM. On macOS 10.15 (Catalina) the binary has to be removed from quarantine: xattr -dr. No more DMG files thanks to Apple and their notarizing scam. FFserver is no longer part of the FFmpeg project.
If you see a message Illegal instruction: 4 or other messages that indicate the binary is not valid, the binary hasn't been extracted correctly.
Some uncompress applications have issues with. If FONTCONFIG_PATH is not set, ffmpeg will set it to. The included x265 library is a multi-bit version (8-bit, 10-bit, 12-bit) since snapshot 86950-g1bef008 and release 3.3.4. The binaries are compiled for Mac OS X 10.9 and later. FFmpeg binaries are compiled with the following options and libraries:Ĭonfiguration: -cc=/usr/bin/clang -prefix=/opt/ffmpeg -extra-version=tessus -enable-avisynth -enable-fontconfig -enable-gpl -enable-libaom -enable-libass -enable-libbluray -enable-libdav1d -enable-libfreetype -enable-libgsm -enable-libmodplug -enable-libmp3lame -enable-libmysofa -enable-libopencore-amrnb -enable-libopencore-amrwb -enable-libopenh264 -enable-libopenjpeg -enable-libopus -enable-librubberband -enable-libshine -enable-libsnappy -enable-libsoxr -enable-libspeex -enable-libtheora -enable-libtwolame -enable-libvidstab -enable-libvmaf -enable-libvo-amrwbenc -enable-libvorbis -enable-libvpx -enable-libwebp -enable-libx264 -enable-libx265 -enable-libxavs -enable-libxvid -enable-libzimg -enable-libzmq -enable-libzvbi -enable-version3 -pkg-config-flags=-static -disable-ffplay